This was written 15 years ago when I had occasion to ask the Lord to open up to me a clearer vision of my own place as a woman, so that I might have confidence that I was truly walking with Him in obedience to His desire and plan for me. I spent months combing the scriptures for every reference concerning women (and many others), praying for understanding, and I saw them come together into a full and rich picture that fully satisfied my own heart.
I realize that many women (and men) may not be able to relate to all that is shared here, having been raised (as was I) in a world greatly disfigured by the accumulated effects of sin. You may have some emotional reactions at first. But please bear in mind that this was for me a "vision," for "without a vision the people perish." Now, 15 years later, I am willing to share this vision with others, for I have had the great privilege of being able to walk in it and taste the good fruits in my own life.
My prayer is that others might find light and encouragement from the Lord by reading what He opened to me in my search, regardless of whether they end up agreeing with every point. May Jesus, with all His love and marvelous grace, be real to you as you read.
– An "older woman" who wants Jesus to have all glory!
March 2010