In the religious world there are many schools of thought about salvation. Two of the most prevalent are Calvin's doctrine of salvation and the opposing doctrine called Arminianism. Neither one of these can lead us to the truth. We do not come to God by doctrine; we are drawn by the Spirit of God. There is only One that can lead us to the truth of what God is doing--the Holy Spirit. God Himself wants to come and indwell us. He has given us His Spirit so that we can know Him and walk in His life and in His purpose.
Our intention here is not to refute doctrine with doctrine, or to use the scriptures to refute the error of any teaching. It is to show us that salvation is found in the person of Christ, not in teachings about Christ. The only way we can please God is to stay in union with Him in our walk of faith. It is a waste of time to try to refute the errors so evident in both teachings--whether Calvinism or Arminian doctrine.
If we are looking for scriptures to refute doctrine, we will never come to the actual experience of life in Christ. So in this discussion our intent is to lay down the principle of life which supercedes all doctrines.
It is the natural mind which has established certain doctrines or principles, backed up by the recorded account of God's working called the scriptures. As Christians, are we to be governed by a set of doctrines, or are we to be governed by the presence, power and working of God Himself? Only as we walk according the Spirit can we fulfill righteousness (Romans 8). Man tries to define God, and ends up following after a god of his mind, rather than knowing the true and living God and worshipping Him in spirit and in truth.