The gift of healing is the supernatural healing of diseases or infirmities without the means of any natural ability or help. This gift is to be used to fulfill the divine commission to heal the sick. It is not dependent upon natural man or his ability, drugs or surgery, but is a divine gift bringing forth supernatural healing of diseases or infirmities. This gift is used in the working of the ministry to destroy sickness and the works of the devil in the bodies of human beings. It is also used to draw people to the sound of the gospel, and to convince unbelievers of the truth of God's Word. As Christ said, "Believe me for my words or else believe me for the very work's sake." (John 14:11) This gift also inspires faith and hope in God's people. God has not left us in the world to survive in a natural way or by our own wits, but God has left in our midst the gifts of healing, the supernatural means of destroying diseases and infirmities for a supernatural people.
These manifestations of healing are gifts that are received by the one being healed. A person does not receive a "gift" to be able to heal others. This manifestation, along with all the rest in this list of spiritual gifts, is worked by the Spirit through believers that are exercising faith. This keeps us in the place where we can do nothing separate from Him. This is a very important area to understand.