The gift of the discerning of spirits is a supernatural insight into the secret realm of spirits. It reveals the kind of spirit that is activating the person who is manifesting supernatural knowledge or power, at the time the miracle is actually taking place. By the operation of this gift one can know the true source and nature of any supernatural manifestation, whether divine or satanic. The character of such spiritual manifestations can only be determined by the use of this gift. It is not discerning the body, but the discernment of spirits. This gift is used in delivering the afflicted, oppressed, and tormented, and in discovering or unveiling a servant of the devil. It can be used to reveal the plan of Satan and as an aid in checking him, to reveal seducing spirits and lying spirits, to unveil doctrines of devils and damnable heresies, and to unmask demon miracle workers. Not only should we be desirous of this gift that we might know the working of Satan and reveal his hand, but we should go forth to set the oppressed free, knowing by this gift what is of God and what is of Satan.