With so much activity in the religious world today, the Christian needs spiritual guidelines so that he might not be taken in by every "wind of doctrine."
Man was made to be under authority--the authority of God, and to hold positions of authority himself. But misuse of this capacity many times has had devastating results. Much of what is seen today in so-called spiritual movements is no more than man trying to build the kingdom of God with natural authority. This will end up being no more than another tower of Babel.
With the lack of spiritual understanding and discernment in leaders of these movements of our day, we need God's Word to be the light to show us the way. We need to know what God is doing in this hour and how He is working out His plan in believers' lives.
If the believer can discern spiritual authority by the Spirit and know the limits of spiritual authority (whom it affects and how it affects them), this will be a big step in keeping God's people from falling into error.
Christians need to understand that God is doing only one thing, and that is building His church. They need to know that the church is expressed locally and that there is no higher authority than that which is recognized in the local expression. When these truths are understood, they will protect many from the discipling and shepherding movements of today.
We pray that you will read and consider what has been written in this article and move in God's plan, under spiritual authority and within the limits of God.